Refund Policy

Refunds / Returns

All of the items in our store are print-on-demand items, meaning each item is a one-off print, printed through a third-party company. Due to the nature of the print and order process we cannot provide refunds or returns for completed orders. All sales are final.

If you have any questions you can email us at and we will work with you on making it right.


If you need a different size of an item you ordered, please email us at with your order number, item/items you need to exchange. 

***Keep in mind that all of the items in our store are print-on-demand items, meaning each item is a one-off print, printed through a third-party company. Due to the nature of the process, it will longer for items to get to you.

Damaged Items

If you recieved an item that was damaged, please email us at with your order number and a picture of the damaged item. 

If you have any questions or need any help, email us at and we will be glad to help answer any questions.